Wildfire protection for wineries.
Protect your
winery from wildfire with Frontline.

Introducing the Frontline Wildfire Defense System for wineries.
Frontline offers a first-of-its-kind exterior sprinkler system – a wildfire preparedness solution for wineries that protects both your business and your bottom line.
Developed by a group of firefighters, technologists, and ecologists, the Frontline Wildfire Defense System combines purpose-built hardware with powerful software, so your facility is prepared for wildfire season.
Growth in destruction from wildfires.
For wineries, weather conditions on the West Coast have created the perfect storm: droughts, drier vegetation, increase instances of dry lightning storms, and lower underground water tables. All of these have come together to generate a vicious cycle of more frequent and intense wildfires.
While the wine industry has enjoyed a rejuvenation post-pandemic – restaurant alcohol sales and vineyard visits are climbing steadily – the threat of wildfire destruction still looms large. For the wine world, the increased risk is tangible in the rise in winery insurance premiums. Minimizing damage by protecting on-site investments through preventative strategy is crucial for industry leaders.
Frontline provides active wildfire defense for wineries.
When activated, the system — installed on roof ridges and under covered areas – quickly coats the structure and surrounding landscape with a combination of water and Forest Service-approved, biodegradable foam.
The Class-A foam breaks the surface tension of water, allowing it to soak more quickly and deeply into combustible materials. As a result building materials and vegetation become “too wet” to burn.
The system ensures that embers flying ahead of approaching wildfire — the number one cause of building destruction — are prevented from catching fire.
Employing the same materials that firefighters use everyday, our system is five times more effective than water alone.
Remote activation using the frontline app allows you to evacuate quickly, assured that your property is protected.
Our non-toxic foam is easily washed off buildings once the threat of wildfire has passed, leaving your property protected and aesthetics intact.
Wildfire preparedness for wineries.
Protect all you’ve worked for.
When you install a Frontline Wildfire Defense System at your winery, you can use the Frontline App to remotely activate your exterior sprinkler system, providing continuous protection during a wildfire.
Every system comes with battery backup power as well as cellular, WiFi, and satellite connectivity so you can defend your winery throughout a wildfire event, without putting your staff at risk.

Ember ignition is the number one fire threat to wineries.
One ember is all it takes to destroy a winery.
Wind-blown embers are the number one cause of structure loss during a wildfire. Embers can travel for miles from the perimeter of a fire and when they land on combustible materials on or around a winery they can ignite into a structure fire.
Exterior sprinklers system for wineries provides hydration.
Proactive hydration works.
Preventative hydration is a superior method for your winery fire mitigation plans. Hydration creates an energy barrier that prevents combustible materials from igniting when exposed to embers. Smart defense systems conserve water by intelligently soaking your property over time and well in advance of embers landing on your property – all through the easy-to-use Frontline App.

Prepare your winery for wildfire.
Wineries that prepare for wildfire are poised to succeed.
While post-pandemic re-openings have rejuvenated optimism in the industry, wineries are now grappling with the ever-increasing threat of wildfire. Proactively protecting your investments is crucial for ensuring continuing sales and the longevity of your business.
On-site sales, primarily through tasting rooms, continue to rise for wineries in California and the Pacific Northwest and most wineries have reported increases in tasting room visitation post-pandemic, marking these on-site amenities as essential for business.
Fire insurance for wineries.
When traditional insurance won’t cut it.
Sometimes your assets are so valuable that you have to take steps to self-insure. An investment in a Frontline system can provide the added security required to protect your most precious business assets.
While maintaining insurance for wineries and vineyards in California is becoming increasingly challenging. Frontline is viewed favorably by insurance providers. Installing a Frontline system may help you stay insured or receive a discount on your premium.

Wildfire preparation tax incentives for wineries.
Accelerated depreciation for Frontline Systems.
There are also unique tax opportunities available for businesses that install a Frontline System. The most attractive incentives “step-down” every year so the sooner you act, the higher the tax benefit.
- The Frontline System is eligible for 100% depreciation in 2022.
- This allows the Frontline System owner to immediately deduct the entire cost of the system from their 2022 taxes.
- The allowed deprecation steps down to 80% in 2023 but is still very attractive.
- Ask your tax advisor about using this benefit of the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) to greatly reduce the cost of installing a Frontline System.
Discreetly installed roof sprinklers for wineries.
Aesthetics matter.
The Frontline external fire sprinkler system for vineyards is installed on roof ridges and under-covered areas to maximize protection while minimizing distractions. Frontline crews install every system and we take extreme care to respect the aesthetic of your winery. The system is concealed within the architecture of your facility and can even be painted to blend in.

The Frontline Wildfire Defense System for wineries.
Connect with us today and we will help you get started with a Frontline system for your winery.